

The type of training (or combination of different training types) depends on the diagnosis. I often start to work with physiology-focused biofeedback training or Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) including Somatic Experiencing® (SE), to develop the ability to relax, which is necessary for further neurofeedback training.

I rarely use only one method when working with my client. Using different tools is allowing me to target the current needs of my client. 

During the trainings you have the opportunity to observe real-time changes in your body. On a computer screen you can see how your body behaves: what changes your brain waves undergo and how individual physiological parameters change. 

During trainings, we usually work on:

  • improving concentration, attention and memory
  • learning problems
  • sleep disturbances
  • migraines, tension headaches
  • anxiety disorders, neurosis
  • the so-called busy mind (racing thoughts, stupor)
  • lowered mood / depression
  • effects of chronic stress (broad spectrum),
  • trauma/ effects of trauma
  • chronic pain,
  • obesity problems, hypertension and many more.

The trainings provide effective help for people struggling with addictions and autoimmune diseases – we teach you how to change habits and take care of your immune system (stabilization and regulation of physiological processes has a great impact on the immunity). Often, trainings are used to improve intellectual potential.

Neurofeedback trainings usually aim at improvement of attention and concentration span, and reduction of tension and anxiety (with the help of electrodes for recording brain waves attached to the head and ears). In these types of trainings you learn self-regulation, i.e. controlling your reactions. Neurofeedback training is also used to improve the intellectual potential of people who do not report specific problems, but who need to improve their attention span and memorizing capacity.

Biofeedback training helps to increase awareness and the ability to regulate physiological processes by using signals from the client’s own body (by the use of sensors placed on the body to track the physiology). Biofeedback is used to improve health by controlling the body’s processes, which usually are not being controlled by our will, such as: breathing, heart rate, body temperature, muscle tone, dermal reaction. During these sessions, you also learn how to control and consolidate your reactions. In training, we also use renowned methods of working with stress, such as relaxation, mindfulness, breathing and many other techniques.

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